Monday, September 22, 2014

The X

Just the title is intriguing enough for people to read further, the X, a single alphabet which has been haunting man kind since childhood. I remember when I was studying in 5th and my math teacher caressing his big ugly beard pointed at the board and said to me, 'SOLVE THIS'. All I could read and understand in the problem written on the board were the last two words, Find X. 

Since then The alphabet X is been puzzling, confusing, annoying and to some extent even heart breaking. As I grew up I realized X was not just something who had lost its value, but it was also an attribution to someone or something who gave up from playing an important part in your life. You like it or not, there is an expiry date to every relationship, after which it is prefixed with a X.

Today I suddenly got attracted and affected by this alphabet because of something that happened on one of the Whatsapp groups in the morning. So this was one of the groups where you actually never bother to reply and is filled with people from the past with whom you have no idea of what to converse with. 

So, I was in a fix and had no idea how not to pay attention to a group which was wishing my X boyfriend with birthday wishes and my X bestfriend was talking of the old gold days we had together. Yes, I did mute the group, but to some extent it was a little tough not reading those messages. 
In 22 years of my life, I have got my fair share of X's, be it the relationships, friendships or enemies for that matters. But never have these left my life forever, they have always been there to remind me of my past and occasionally scare me of it too. However I convince myself that I will not get affected and ignore the sole dramatic alphabet, it never really happens.

In 22 years of my life, I have got my fair share of X's, be it the relationships, friendships or enemies for that matters. Yes, they have never entirely got out of my life and there were elements of both good and bad times with them that I remembered at times.I am still concerned of what my X bestie is up to (and honestly I know it's kind of bitchy, but I hope they are paying for the sins committed), I always want to know if my X has got a new girl (and I love it when people say with disgust on their faces 'It is HER instead of YOU) and I always end up being friends with people I hated or who thought I was too bossy (They get used to my typically dominating self I guess ).

And today after receiving messages and calls wishing me happy birthday on the X's birthday (totally lame sarcasm and an old thing I did in 50's probably), I do accept the fact that the X plays an important role in changing everyone's life. If I did not have an X relationship, I would have never got a chance to find one where I was happy (and a relationship where I did not get liffe threatening calls from the berserk mom to leave his son alone). If I did not have an X bestfriend, I would have never understood life beyond being happy soul sisters! It is now I got to revamp my life and make a new thing out of what I was. 

All I have learnt so far is that whoever leaves you by choice and does things to be the X in your life, they are actualy doing a favor to you. They help you to discover yourself and it would be a foolish someone to not take the most of the opportunity provided. So,today I would like to thank all those who are currently my X buddies and bestfriends and all that crap! Thank you.. You made me what I am today, and let me tell you I love myself for what I am today!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I love party, I am a party person!!

After one of my friends has said to me, "I love to party, I am a party person", I have been thinking of what exactly is a party person? While a dictionary states that it is a wild species which cannot be found easily and has his/her habitat in a bar,pub,lounge and so on, I was wondering when was the last time I had seen or even heard this lady of being in any of the shelters of these species. 

I mean, yes I can get most of the rich brats and bitches going to a disc every night and paying thousands on drinks and dope. I understand they are petty little creatures screaming for attention as most of them don't get that at their homes. But when I talk of the Mango people - Aam Admi - I find it difficult to absorb anyone going to a Miami or One on a regular basis. Either you are a big burden to your parents or you have found a dumb kid with a rich dad as your friend!! In either of the cases, you are more of an outsider to the community bdw!

When explained by this nice little friend that she loves to and hence the party and therefore she is a party animal; trust me, I lost all the little intellect I have been developing in these sane few years.

When I shared part of this incident to a few friends I talk sense with, we had a good discussion on this. There is a wrong conception of party person or party animal to most of us. Yes, love to dance and have a drink occasionally in a pub is a good way to recreation, but it does not even make you anyone close to being a party lover. 

There were a few times wherein this pretty sweet woman had spoken of loving GOA for instance, because she loves parties. Now seriously, GOA is a place for people who love dope, who love sex (on the beach) and who know what the combination of Metallica and weed is, these days loving GOA for booze is also cliche and wanna be - something all my 'grass' loving friends would totally agree to!! 

This blog is not of a particular person or any specific friend, it is just about how we need to grow up now. It is time we realize that there are many things in this world which we will not understand, but still trying to do them or be them will make us nothing less than a wanna be... 

And yeah am not just talking of all the pseudo party animals, there are so many I know who have gotten into hukkah, weed, booze and drugs because - I AM COOL , I PARTY, I DRINK, I DOPE. There is cult of people who know how to party, if you are one of them kudos to you. Similarly, there are groups of people who know what grass is and some realize how to drink, if ou cannot fit in and then do not force to. 

Not encouraging any one to get into any bad habits, but even if you want to try, do not push yourself and stay only if you belong.

(To all the geniuses who would be like 'WTF, even she goes partyn, I saw the FB and Insta uploads - Yes, I too party and go out to pubs or lounges, but that is exclusively when it is girl's night. We friends though love getting all decked up to dance in neon lights, know for a fact that it was pointless to spend 300-350 rupee on a freaking pint (I would not even want to look at the cocktail side of the menu!)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Dress well or you 'll die in hell ...

Each time my mom told me that you must dress explicitly well to make people take you seriously, I laughed. I always believed in “Karna judges you” and cared the least of what I was wearing and concentrated more on my work, but I guess it is just me who thinks this and thankfully a few other friends.

After two back to back incidences yesterday, I have come to a conclusion where people are going to judge you with your appearance and language.

Yesterday, it was me and two of my friends who wanted to meet for a drink after work. All three of us discussed on how shabily dressed we were in simple cotton made kurtis and rugged jeans – but hey what does that have to do with us having a drink!

Finally we decided to meet at a bar lounge in a posh commercial complex in Parel. Even though we succesfully went through this big maze like complex to enter the building, got our bags checked and ourselves checked for almost a dozen times and literally one of my friend hit himself bad passing through some sharp plastic thingy that closes itself down without any warnings, we did all of it to go to this lounge!!

Now, we were meeting after a long time and were speaking more in marathi (Kolhapuri marathi to be precise). So I am not sure if it was the language or the clothes, but as soon as we went in the bar and were choosing a good bean bag seat wala table, the manager just walked in to us with another waiter I suppose. They asked us for our id's and questionned us as like we were some school going kids crashing parties. At this time, we do know that there are restaurants and bars who have to follow a procedure to check for ID cards before serving drinks, but there is a polite or rather I should say an equal way of doing things. And I know this for a fact that they do not check for ID cards of everyone because it was just a week back that I had been there with some other office mates and no ID were checked– difference in the two groups, in the office one we were all blooy dressed up in shorts, one pieces and stuff and we were speaking in the so called ELITE language of english.

I was frustrated with the treatment, come on, everyone would be!! But somehow we let go and walked to some other resto in some other bloody tower like this one. We noticed the already present crowd there were filled with women wearing not longer than knee length dresses (to make it short, they were all dressed up and in high heels) and all of them speaking in English (though some of them just spoke dumb, but hey who cares that is english and we likey english). Looking at them we decided not to go inside and instead had coffee in a coffee house on the same floor. We had fu there cos there was no judging happening there. But the bliss did not stay for long!

Before proceeding ahead, through this small little blog piece of mine, I would like to request all those big grand towers in any freaking metropolitan city to keep direction boards (proper) if you expect people to find the exit and enter on their own. We got lost in the labyrinth while returning back and after finding the exit what we got was a bunch of guards stopping us for an interrogation again!!

When we answered in Marathi (he was lucky we did not use the Kolhapuri slang), he tells us that the security was in search of us for running around here and there in the building. Dude, we were practically called tresspassers and fugitives ever after spending 530 bucks for three freaking coffees!!!!

But when the next moment one of us said “What the fuck, we just followed the instructions given by the guard at the fire exit”

We got freedom and were sent out without any prosecution - YAY!!

Apat from the humor we had, we thought about the whole incident. Yes, before this too we have been to many places but never did we not dress up. Isnt't it discrimination? I mean, how can people get so judgemental that we have to wear heels after work if we want to have a drink at a so called good place.

Even if the dressing is pardoned, the language is such a big issue for people here. I thought it was for political benefits when certain ministers shouted out that people out of the state do not learn the mother tongue here. But I feel it is not the ones from outside at fault here – because it is not be a ROMAN in ROME policy here, it is quite the opposite. There are many natives who do not like speaking in Marathi, not just that, there will be many naives again who will look at you in a way that maybe means – what village are you from? If ou are talking in Marathi at certain so called “classy places”

What the fuck is becoming more effective in our country than chutiya these days, buckets of ice are poured on heads over saving a bucket of water, weraing full clothes is behen – ji and wearing shorter ones is provocating people to rape, beautiful even if dumb is better than intelligence, wanna be is not dancing with a beer glass in hand on music you understand shit about, but wanna be is trying to enjoy a couple of drinks at a good place in simple clothing along with using non english/hing – lish as a means of conversation..